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work to sustain the community you live in & beyond


2nd Base


Whether its a 9-5, a trade, a profession, a passion, an armed service, volunteering, or as simple as taking the scraps out to compost; deep down there is a subconscious hope that our individual efforts contribute to a common good or what some call a social-fabric. And as a descendant of the original stewards of the western hemisphere, I feel that to maintain a healthy social-fabric, I felt a responsibility to create "Social Duty" as the 2nd principle to the Sanctus Culturas lifestyle.  To understand the idea behind this duty, I had to understand two things: 1. Why longing to be a part of a collective of some kind is a strong and subconscious drive for me.  2. What can I do to have civil discourse with people about the two biggest problems that threaten our social fabric: the moral and climate change catastrophe. I prayed and asked my ancient relations for guidance, then I knew that this special longing originates from our hunting and gathering days because there was no other choice but to work together to survive*. I put my brain to work and learned that this ancient cooperation evolved into the fundamental human drive to belong. After even more evolution the human brain became wired for empathy; the ability to share in another's emotions. Due to decreasing social interactions because of an increase in screen time, our social-fabric is changing to show the opposite of our empathic nature. We are seeing narcissism lead to more hate and violence. To counter this unbalanced social-fabric I had to create a vehicle to balance the scale. So I created an audio-blog/podcast called Meaningful Interactions (MI) as a fundamental social duty of Sanctus Culturas. MI is a conversation about identity and cross-cultural interactions. I have also created other audio-blogs: news, education, and music. Lets challenge the narrative and re-claim the Native Narrative! CARRY OUT YOUR DUTY.


Here are a few foundation questions based on Identity and Cross-Cultural Interactions:



1) What motivates you?

2) What defines you?

3) What do you work for?



5) What comes to mind when thinking of current cross-cultural interactions and the future?

6) On this continent, What can we do to halt multi-generational trauma passed on by survivors of genocide and European colonization?


#NativesInChargeOfTheirNarrative #SanctusCulturas #MeaningfulPod #socialduty #Xinteractions #podcasteria #Xculturalinteractions #WaterIsLife #NoDAPL  #MotherEarth #MaunaKea #TheFithSun #ElQuintoSol #Coatlicue #Tonatiuh #EagleAndCondor #ElRegresoDeQuetzalcoatl #ProtectTheSacred #CircularNarrative #CircularLogic #OriginalStewardsofTheWesternHemisphere #NicanTlaca #Anahuac #BiculturalAmerica #UrbanNativeEra #TeamOmeteotl #7Generations #Humanity #OutOfLove #NotHate #MexicanoEnTaiwan 

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